Friday 23 April 2010

Naive John

This was a lecture of two halves. The first half was how Naive John started and works, The second was his most recent commission.

I was surprised to see how John works,  in some ways I could relate to his work as I found it very similar to my own work. His research methods and initial process for building an image are not exactly the same but extremely similar. in fact if it wasn't for the fact that the final image ended up as a painting i would have said that John is more of a graphic designer.

Once John finished the first half we should have had a break, although everything he said was extremely interesting and useful to see the process he was just talking for too long. I needed a coffee and I needed a pee. Yet we could not go as he got excited about his most recent piece.

his recent piece I believe was a copyright minefield. morphing Stella cans, Tellybubbies and other kids TV puppets. The process he showed us though was to dissimilar to what we had already seen. If it wasn't for his good public speaking this would have made me leave. Despite this I really enjoyed John's talk and feel like i will be taking a few tips away with me.

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