Thursday 17 September 2009

Long time no Blog

Its been a while since i last posted a blog , and a lot has happened since i did, my website is now up and running and is a constant work in development, but it shouldn't take too long to sort out.

One of my highlights since the last post is my trip to Edinburgh. during the trip i really enjoyed the views and sights. although these veiws where great I really wanted something more to add to my photographs of my trip, so was born the adventures of Righty:

This I felt Righty added a little more humor to my Photographs and also represented my journey walking though this fantastic City.

What i found most impressive about this city is not so much how big it is or the Architecture, that is impressive, but what really left a lasting impression on me, was the amazing views and serenity that gently followed you round the city.

The City sits comfortably in between two mountains that give anyone who wants it the best view of the city and its castle, especially if you wait till sunset.

Its easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the city in Edinburgh as a lot is always happening, but it is even easier to find yourself in a nice peaceful spot and almost guaranteed the sound of bagpipes off in the distance.

To sum up, Edinburgh is an amazing city with plenty to offer including a lot of inspiration a lot of work i produced afterward.

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